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Referral Contest

Referral Contest #25

- remaining

Win BTC 0.50 - 1st Prize

Top 5 Loyal promoters participating in both contest will get additional 0.20 BTC each
# Name Total Referrals Points Prize
1 1bitcoin 8433 0
2 QKSLQMIDX2 5279 0
3 X5YCLVCCZQ 3791 0
4 cryptokvc 2320 0
5 krakow97387 1982 0
7 4NLOMOCXLK 933 0
8 YNDGXA4L1R 817 0
9 aidasa 809 0
10 Money$$$ 524 0
11 BOSSiK 518 0
12 Oh Snap 412 0
13 criptorefs 392 0
14 gueang002 376 0
15 cryptomaniabg 360 0
16 2CP7Y4CYKO 327 0
17 Alex1990b 286 0
18 behar097 258 0
19 itsmf00 249 0
20 Vodoley74 229 0

Contest Rules

Contest Starts: January 23th, 2020, 04:00 Server time
Contest Ends: January 31st, 2020, 18:00 Server time
There is total 10 prizes for first 10 position.
New referrals valid within the timeframe will be counted.
PTSU is not allowed!
Contest page data updates once in every 10 minutes.
Not allowed: Fake accounts, Multiple accounts, Forcing people to sign up.
If system finds fake accounts, multiple accounts, you will be automatically removed from contest.